InUnexplained MysteriesbyDr. ShakiraShe went to the afterlife and came back!Amanda knew she was in physical distress and at the same time, she knew the two figures were there to help her.Jun 14, 20211Jun 14, 20211
InUnexplained MysteriesbyDr. ShakiraThe Infamous Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle also known as The Devil’s Triangle. One of the most infamous of all the mysterious locations on Earth.Jun 21, 20213Jun 21, 20213
InUnexplained MysteriesbyDr. ShakiraThe Paranormal and Nikola Tesla“Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: “One … two … three …”-Nikola TeslaJun 25, 20218Jun 25, 20218